A bit about me…
I am a recruitment consultant with experience headhunting into Cybersecurity vendors. My background in marketing gives me a greater understanding of both sales and marketing.
I studied Fashion and Textile design at the University of Southampton, and I have always had a love for fashion and design. As a child, I was always found drawing and painting.
My interests include keeping fit and trying new things, this included at university playing mixed lacrosse. When I am not recruiting, I am typically found baking. My signatures include New York cookies, millionaire shortbread and brownies. I regularly bring these into the office.
What was I doing before Intaso?
Before joining Intaso and after finishing University, I worked in marketing at a company that sold amenities to hotels. Due to COVID, this role was cut short.
I eventually found my way into recruitment, where I am able to really appreciate the rewards for working hard. I was working at a firm that recruited nurses into nursing homes when Ryan contacted me about a position at Intaso. Though different to my previous roles, it sounded like a great role with a perfect work culture fit. It was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up and here I am!
How did I come to be at Intaso?
Fuelled by my passion to help people, I turned to recruitment to help people find that new exciting role. Ryan reached out to me and introduced me to the world of Cyber Security which was so different to the nursing industry. I have since thrived in the dynamic and exciting environment here.
The kind of roles I typically work on/enjoy working on…
- Business Development
- Sales Engineering
- Customer Success
- Marketing
I mainly headhunt candidates within Business Development, Sales Engineering, and Marketing. When recruiting, I prioritise both hard and soft skills, seeking out the best profiles for each position. I’m internally known for being able to find a needle in a haystack!
Something people might not know about me is…
I participate in a yearly chocolate fast for 40 days every February and March for Lent to support the British Heart Foundation but also as a challenge.
If I were trapped on a desert island with one meal, one album and one movie, they would be…
If I were stranded on a desert island, I would choose chocolate as my one meal, and I would bring my Spotify account along for my musical enjoyment. As for my preferred movie or show, I would choose Grey’s Anatomy because there’s so much of it. On a desert island, I’d more than likely be exploring.