Essential skills for a Penetration Tester

Penetration testing plays a crucial role in cybersecurity strategy development by assessing the resilience of an organisation’s infrastructure. It has become increasingly popular as it helps organisations anticipate and mitigate threats instead of waiting for them to happen, improving overall cybersecurity efforts. If you’re interested in learning more about the roles of penetration and vulnerability testers then keep reading! 

What is a penetration tester?

Penetration testers, otherwise known as pen testers, are hired to test the security of networks, web applications and other digital infrastructure where security is important. A penetration test is an authorised simulated attack performed on a computer system to evaluate its security. 

They usually simulate a variety of attacks that could threaten a business, to examine whether a system is robust enough to withstand attacks from authenticated and unauthenticated positions. 

What is a vulnerability tester?

Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing are two types of vulnerability testing. 

Vulnerability assessment tools identify existing vulnerabilities but do not distinguish between those that are exploitable and those that are not. Their purpose is to reduce the possibility of cyber criminals breaching your IT defences and gaining access to systems or data.

What is the difference between a penetration test and a vulnerability assessment?

A vulnerability assessment uses automation whereas penetration tests are manual processes performed by qualified pen testers. Pen tests typically follow after vulnerability testing and remediation to confirm whether your remediation has been successful. 

Essential skills for Penetration Testers

As a penetration tester, you’ll need to have a combination of technical knowledge, problem solving skills and an understanding of the security landscape. Here are some of the most essential soft and hard skills!

Soft skills for Penetration Testers

A desire to learn 

The strategies and tactics of hackers and cybercriminals constantly change meaning that penetration testing professionals must stay up to date with the latest developments.

Teamwork orientation

Teamwork is essential as junior team members report to senior members.

Strong verbal communication

It is important to be able to share findings in a clear way to allow people without advanced technical knowledge or skills to understand.

Report writing

Part of a penetration testers role is producing reports for management and executive teams so strong writing skills are required.

Hard skills for Penetration Testers 

Deep knowledge of exploits and vulnerabilities

Candidates who have knowledge of vulnerabilities and exploits that goes beyond automated approaches are favoured.

Scripting and/or coding

Testers with a good understanding and knowledge of scripting and/or coding can save time on individual assessments.

Complete command of operating systems 

Penetration testers need advanced knowledge of the operating systems they attempt to breach while conducting their assessments.

Strong working knowledge of networking and network protocols

Understanding how hackers and cybercriminals operate requires penetration testers to understand networking and network protocols like TCP/IP, UDP, ARP, DNS, and DHCP.

How to become a penetration tester 

Are you considering becoming a penetration tester? Follow these 6 steps to help set you up for the role!

Step 1: Self-analysis

Assess if penetration testing aligns with your interests and skills; perform an honest self assessment to decide if this career is suitable for you!

Step 2: Education

Degrees in cybersecurity disciplines are increasingly preferred by employers; relevant degrees help to provide a comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity.

Step 3: Career path

Gain experience in related fields like security administration, system administration, network engineering or application planning. Focus on the security aspects within these disciplines to build a strong foundation for penetration testing.

Step 4: Professional certifications

Try and obtain professional certifications to enhance your CV and appeal to employers.

Step 5: Keep current 

Stay updated with the latest trends in programming, network security, hacking techniques and security protocols. Continuously update your knowledge on exploited vulnerabilities and other developments in the cybersecurity industry.

A career as a penetration tester opens you up to a range of job roles in different industries. You may choose to specialise in an area and improve in the subject or continue your career into a management role. You could even decide to be self-employed or consider security consulting, the possibilities are endless!

Check out our current roles at Intaso today and see where a career in cybersecurity can take you!
