For many job hunters, the most challenging part of the process is crafting an effective cover letter. It’s a familiar cycle: You sit down to write a cover letter, open a blank Google doc, search for some cover letter examples, avoid writing anything, and finally Google something like “how to write a cover letter” before eventually shutting down the blank document in total despair.
There’s a lot of differing opinions out there when it comes to cover letters so it can be hard to know where to start. You might be left wondering: Does anyone really read cover letters? Why do they even exist? Do you even need one, especially if you’re applying through an online system?
Well the short answer is yes! We’ve found cover letters are a great way to add personable information to the practical skills and experience you’d find on your CV. You’ll be able to explain to potential employers why you’re the best candidate for the job, and what sets you apart from other applicants. Highlight relevant skills and offer examples of ways you’ve previously solved problems that directly relate to the position you’re applying for.
We’re not going to go into too much detail about how to write the perfect cover letter because we’ve done that already, instead we’ve hunted down some of the best cover letter examples for different levels of seniority, and are going to explore exactly what it is that makes them so great.
Cover letter sources: Novoresume
Cover Letter Example for Student/Graduate
The person in this example is applying for an internship programme, however the basic rules can be applied for any sort of role. Immediately, this person makes it clear which role they are looking to apply for, which is exactly how you want to start your cover letter. We’d recommend putting the full job title (e.g: I’m interested in the role of Junior Software Developer) so the reader knows exactly which role you’re referencing.
They then go on to detail their educational experience, and how it directly links to the criteria of the job. When you are a graduate applying to jobs straight from college or University and you don’t have much work experience, referencing your degrees, qualifications and educational experience can help make your case, but make sure it works with the job!
Top tip: you always want to tie your examples back to the specific requirements of the job you’re applying for!

Cover Letter Example for Middle Management
While our last cover letter focussed a lot on experience, this cover letter is all about highlighting the skills they have learnt in previous roles and how this can benefit the company they’re applying for a job with. Experience is important, but showing you can bring new skills to a company, whether that’s outlining project scopes, forecasting revenues or excellent team management, will all be valuable assets to the hiring manager reading your cover letter.
If you’re applying for a job in a role you don’t have as much experience in, you can highlight your ‘transferable skills’ and explain how although your experience may not match up exactly, you can use the knowledge you’ve gained and apply it in ways that still work for this new position.
Top tip: highlight the key skills you can bring to the table!

Cover Letter Example for Management
This cover letter does excellently what many are afraid to do: talk highly of themselves. When it comes to writing the perfect cover letter, you want to avoid phrases like ‘I think I’m good at’ or ‘I believe I did X well’ and replace them with statements like ‘I am’ or ‘I achieved’. The hiring manager is looking for you to tell them how great you are, what you’ve achieved successfully and why they should hire you over anyone else.
Use strong, powerful words and statements like this person has:
- I am a successful business professional with a proven track record
- I would bring tenacity and penchant for success
- Here are the main areas of expertise I will bring to your company
You need to make the person reading your cover letter really believe what you’re selling, so don’t sell yourself short!
Top tip: don’t be afraid to ‘big yourself up’!

Cover Letter Example for Career Change
Writing a cover letter for a career you have absolutely no experience in can be the most daunting of them all, when really, it’s no different to what we’ve already covered:
- Tie any examples of relevant experience or education back to the specific requirements of the role you’re applying for
- Highlight the key skills you can bring to the table
- Talk about yourself confidently and without hesitation
What this person has done so well is show a clear understanding of the product/service/offering from the business. If you don’t have any practical experience in this industry, show them you’re willing to learn, have already versed yourself on everything there is to know about what they do, and emphasise a passion for their business.

There’s one simple thing to remember when it comes to cover letters; They matter much more than many people think they do as long as you ensure they are relevant and are tailored to the company you are applying to.
Ensure you do your research, if you are working with a recruiter make sure you learn the hiring manager’s name so you can address the cover letter properly and give real scenarios on how your experience is relevant to the points in the job description.
If you nail your Cover Letter, you could easily go from the “maybe” pile straight to the “Yes.” and we’re sure with everything you’ve learned from this article, yours will too!
If you are looking for a job head over to our job board to see what we’ve got on offer, or why not get in touch? We’d love to hear from you!